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Join us at our Vineyard and Tasting Room
LINDEN, VA 22642
PHONE 540-636-7541
Conveniently located one hour from Washington D.C., 35 minutes from Winchester, Virginia, and 20 minutes from Shenandoah National Park and Front Royal, Virginia.
From the East DC/Northern Virginia
We are located about 45 miles west of the Beltway I-495, just off of I-66, traveling from Washington, DC. Exit at the Markham exit 18, turn left, and proceed 200 feet to the stop sign. Turn right on Rt. 55 and proceed 4.1 miles west to Linden. Turn right on Rt. 638 Freezeland Road and proceed 3 miles up the mountain to Fox Meadow Vineyards on the right.
From the West
Fourteen miles east of Interstate 81, traveling on I-66, take Exit 13 Linden. Turn right and proceed for 200 yards. At the stop light, turn left on Rt. 55 and proceed 1.5 miles. Turn left on Rt. 638 Freezeland Road and proceed 3 miles up the mountain to Fox Meadows Vineyards on the right.
From the North
Either take 17 S to I-66 W, 81 S to I-66 E, or 340S to I-66E. Then take Exit 13—Linden. Head south off of the ramp. Proceed for 200 yards. At the stop light, turn left on Rt. 55 and proceed 1.5 miles. Turn left on Rt. 638 Freezeland Road and proceed 3 miles up the mountain to Fox Meadows Vineyards on the right.
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